Category: ADD/ADHD

Collage of pictures with the theme of neurodiversity, adjusted and challenged children and adults with ADHD or ASD and finding acceptance and peacefulness with nature,

ADHD Reality—The focus and distraction dilemma

Practical choices for surviving and thriving

A call about ADHD and life difficulties

A distressed family member and colleague recently called me. They complained they were very nervous and worried as they were failing and falling behind in their part-time university studies and felt hopeless about ever completing their coursework for their degree. Their full-time jobs and careers also seemed at risk from lack of focus and concentration, interfering with their productivity and completing assigned tasks and vital projects. A threatening and contentious work supervisor was applying pressure to get more done. There was a real risk of getting fired. A recently valued relationship was also on “the rocks” and near the breaking point. The unfortunate load of adverse challenges seemed to recur frequently, as has often been a regrettable plight. There was a track record of difficulty with social relationships and problems succeeding in challenging academic and work-related situations.

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A group of pictures depicting help from relationships, getting insight, feedback, and perspective.

Relationships for Growth and Perspective

Awareness and receptiveness are essential for wise decisions, perspective, and adaptability.

My valued mentor and the confusing advice

A favorite mentor and advisor, at the end of our final meeting, on my way out from his cozy living room office, with the big glass window looking out on the yard, shaking hands with a big smile, told me, ” Here is my last clinical pearl; never give anyone advice.”

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graphic picture of a human head with a heart shaped, multicolored jigsaw in center of brain as a brain reflecting neurodiversity

The Challenges and Advantages of Dyslexic Traits

Neurodiversity, in a more modern application, describes the unique and multivariate differences in all people. Looking at all individuals, we can see vast differences in the brain and mental functioning with the processing, retrieval, and abstraction of incoming information. Variability appears in ideas and concept formation, adaptability to change, and accomplishing tasks.

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The idea of neurodiversity wisdom on a picture of a boy struggling with his studies that needs appreciation for his differences, skills and talents

Neurodiversity and Dyslexia: Appreciates Differences, Skills, and Talents

Labels and diagnosis Helpful or Not, when Traits of Dyslexia, ADHD, or Autism Spectrum Appear

Dyslexia, autism spectrum, and ADHD have some characteristics that relate to myself and some of my family members. As a child, I had difficulty reading, mispronouncing words, and struggling in areas such as math and foreign languages. With prodigious effort and over-learning, I gained improvement and a certain level of mastery.

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Burned Tea Kettle now a flower pot

The Burned Tea Kettle

The Risk of Distraction and a Familiar Tale of Woe

We all experience what seems like a bit of inattention that leads to a disaster—a disruption in the flow and harmony of daily life. A burned tea kettle incident led to the exploration of the deeper operations of our inner psychology, its related outer expression, and the different levels of awareness and personal meaning of possessions.

My wife and I had sat down to watch a recent movie about a family with turmoil and conflict. After the first short segment, we suddenly became aware and jumped up. We had forgotten about the tea kettle…

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Boy depressed with a tear in the eyes

Childrens’ Essential Need

A child at risk can easily go unrecognized!

Sam was lagging in his school work and was falling asleep on his school desk. His grades were failing. He was getting into fights, according to his principal. Other kids were bullying and picking on him. At home and school, he was often moody and irritable. He avoided social activities and liked to play by himself or watch TV. The school called his mother to make an appointment. What happened next totally caught everyone off guard. Help had come too late. [i]

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Sunrise amidst the clouds

Autism Spectrum Trait Recognition

Autism spectrum traits or characteristics (AST)

are common in our population and may contribute to unique advantages or disadvantages. There now is better recognition and awareness of autistic traits. Current scientific evidence supports that there is a predominant genetic origin of AST.

© Artem Oleshko/123, Unique Talents

Autism Spectrum refers to the varied presentation of individuals that may have unique strengths but also challenges with difficulties in social skills, communication, motor coordination, repetitious movements or behaviors, and early-life developmental issues.

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Promise of Light on other side of a Wood Bridge of wood bridge in deep forest crossing water stream and glowing light at the end of wooden ways; Copyright: khunaspix / 123RF Stock Photo

Expert Mentoring – A Key to Restoring Mental & Emotional Health

Escalating mental health, emotional or related health issues may signal the need for mentoring or guidance.

When help is needed, it can be difficult to find the outside expert support you need. Developing your own personal self as a resource can also be a challenge.

A person in distress often recognizes that their customary coping mechanism and level of support are inadequate. The dependence on learned ways of dealing with adverse life events often does not help for an overload of stressors and emotional turmoil. The experience for some is like being entrapped in a swirl of thoughts, painful emotions and images. Before distress reaches too high a level, is the time to reach out to others for help and guidance.

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Meditation, mindfulness, happiness - zen garden with massage stones and waterlily

Meditation – Mental Health Essential

Meditation, Mindfulness, or Introspective Practices

have well proven their value in holistic mental health work for mood, anxiety, addiction, and health issues. Meditation can be an essential tool for happiness and mental health. Enhancement of longevity and decrease in brain aging has also been demonstrated as an added benefit. In many other areas, there are proven benefits as in work, school, athletic performance, sleep, and creativity. The mere awareness in meditation – that thoughts and emotion are of a changing and transient nature – is enlightening for those felt imprisoned by harsh negative thoughts and emotions.

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