Category: Grief and Loss

Turbulent hurricane

Storms and Mental Health

Mary’s Challenges

Mary1 had a history of mood swings, depression, anxiety, and PTSD from childhood sexual abuse. Her years growing up were in a chaotic and disruptive home, especially after her alcoholic father deserted her and her mother. She had experienced a hard time growing up with parental neglect, physical, and emotional abuse. Her post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) returned after the hurricane with a vengeance.

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ecstatic women's face doing Yoga

Yoga & Eastern Influence on Holistic Healthcare

An Awakening Fall

As a nine-year-old boy, while enjoying the warmth of the midday sun, I was easing my way out onto a branch of a wild apple tree. It was in a deserted field with the sweetest green apples I had ever tasted. These weren’t like the shiny red ones you can buy at the local store. The tree’s singular presence in an untamed field of weeds and wildflowers made it an even more tempting challenge to climb.

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Lightning in a thunderstorm and natural disaster

Crises, Career, and Mental Health

My journey from crises to a career in medicine and mental health began early in life.

Growing up in the rural countryside, I loved to run and play, in the open fields and woods, with my friends and dog. I became good at swimming and other sports. Even though polio was in the news with pictures of children paralyzed from the untreatable illness—there was no effective treatment or vaccine. I felt invincible and in robust health. But with a turn of fate, the virus found me one summer day.

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COVID-19 and Mental Health Crises Book

If a mental health crisis or the pandemic has affected your life, then this book is written for you.

COVID-19/Mental Health Crises: Holistic Understanding & Solutions

In his timely book, now published, Ronald R. Parks, MPH, MD, examines the impact of COVID-19 or other forms of crisis, loss, or tragedy on individual mental health.

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Awakening to the wonderment of nature

Epilogue to COVID-19

The U.S. and all the other countries of the world lost the cherished and innocent beliefs of individuality, separateness, and independence.

There was no security from a devastating infectious pathogen, quickly crossing permeable national boundaries. The self-conceived bubble of safety and autonomy had burst into the reality of living in a global interconnected population. The impact of one individual potentially effects the health and wellbeing of all on the planet.

If you prefer to listen, a podcast version is available as you go to the full post article.

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Planet in a hand with ocean and a butterfly

Pandemic LifeSavers

To ensure a safe journey through the present hazardous times of the COVID-19 pandemic, make wise choices.

Be vigilant to protect yourself and others from one of the most virulent and destructive viruses of the century. Keep tuned to the latest news and recommendation from reputable sources, but be careful to avoid any politically motivated misinformation. The COVID-19 infections and spread will continue until effective anti-viral drugs, vaccines, adequate testing, and contact tracing are available.

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Sun breaking through clouds

Covid-19 Depression & Grief

With a catastrophic pandemic as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2) with exposure to overwhelming circumstances and a high number of deaths, survivors have to manage the aftermath of potentially occurring anxiety, grief, major depression, and PTSD.

Mental health services have, at times, been overwhelmed because of an inadequate number of available trained professionals and preparedness to handle such a high demand on available resources.

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Rooster crow morning wakeup

COVID-19 Wake Up Call

The current COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call to understand all the contributing factors, and steps needed to protect ourselves and future generations from recurrences and the devastation.

Hopefully, soon, COVID-19 will peak and subsides. Its rapid spread and lethality have had a devastating and tragic effect on the most vulnerable people and the vital infrastructure of our society. 

When the final analysis is done, what will be learned and taken away as practical ideas or as more profound wisdom? Some useful areas of interest and inquiry may focus on

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Human suffering and Holocaust

Remembering the Holocaust

Memory is short for some people for past tragedies.

Facts can become an inconvenient truth. Claims of not knowing and denial of the truth, happen when individuals or groups devolve to ignorance, hatred, and violence. The anecdote is for more intense education and accurate teaching of history to avoid the repeat of any societal drift towards division, atrocities, and war.. Several poignant poems by a Holocaust survivor and family member are shared to personalize this tragic part of our collective history and its relevance for today.

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Mourning Pet Loss

A Dream about the death of my dog Pepper:

In my dream, I was working at my desk, and I saw, my little Yorkie, Pepper, rolling and frolicking on the couch on his blanket. I got up and went over to rub his tummy, which he always loved when he was on his back. I got up, and as I approached him, I said, you have died and will disappear when I go to rub your tummy. To my surprise, he stayed on his back and let us both enjoy and relish my rubbing of his belly. I woke up realizing that my hands were rubbing on my own head and hair.

This article is dedicated to Pepper, our wonderful pet and companion for over 12 years, who died recently of a combination of old age and ill-health. He was an adopted pet from an animal rescue program.

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  • When I came down with Stage III cancer shortly after and was extremely depressed and anxious about my diagnosis, he prescribed me the right medications to help me. He sent me to a diet/ herbalist/ acupuncturist specializing in cancer. I am a survivor today.


  • In the fifteen years, we have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Ron Parks, his integrity, knowledge, and humanity have shown in both his professional and personal interactions.

    -Lino Stanchich

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