Category: Holistic Views on Mental Health Issues

Collage of pictures with the theme of neurodiversity, adjusted and challenged children and adults with ADHD or ASD and finding acceptance and peacefulness with nature,

ADHD Reality—The focus and distraction dilemma

Practical choices for surviving and thriving

A call about ADHD and life difficulties

A distressed family member and colleague recently called me. They complained they were very nervous and worried as they were failing and falling behind in their part-time university studies and felt hopeless about ever completing their coursework for their degree. Their full-time jobs and careers also seemed at risk from lack of focus and concentration, interfering with their productivity and completing assigned tasks and vital projects. A threatening and contentious work supervisor was applying pressure to get more done. There was a real risk of getting fired. A recently valued relationship was also on “the rocks” and near the breaking point. The unfortunate load of adverse challenges seemed to recur frequently, as has often been a regrettable plight. There was a track record of difficulty with social relationships and problems succeeding in challenging academic and work-related situations.

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A collage of pictures representing the theme of Wise choosing & collaborating to ensure health & longevity and all being in balance.

An “Ensurance Plan” for healthy aging, productivity, and vitality.

How can a practical and sensible plan be structured to maintain or enhance physical and mental health, longevity, and well-being?

There are reasonable choices for promoting health and longevity and preventing future disease and disability.

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Collage of pictures on theme of being stuck in a dilemma to surmounting to flow and creativity.

Surmounting dilemmas and conflicts to free productivity and flow

Indecision and fear are the roadblocks to success and well-being!

Getting stuck in a dilemma

A dilemma is when one gets stymied in choosing between two unsuitable alternatives. It is frustrating to be stuck and unable to move forward to completing a project or task. The desirable ending might be as significant as survival or as minor as making a healthy decision for something that will be positive or sustaining for one’s health and well-being.

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collage of nine pictures with scenes of traumatic events and realization of the way to happiness and thriving.

Unlocking Happiness: A Journey of Recovery and Transformation

Exploring Mental Health, Trauma, and Self-Belief for Personal Growth and Happiness

09/07/2023 Video Podcast, Podcast interview with Rob Hosking

The following are excerpts from my 09-07/2023 Video Podcast, Podcast interview with Rob Hosking, where we delve into the inspiring story of Rob, a former frontline police officer who underwent a profound transformation after his traumatic experiences. Rob’s journey led him to become a motivational speaker, specializing in happiness and mental health. Through sharing his own struggles with depression and mental health, Rob aims to empower individuals to overcome challenges and discover their true potential for happiness and resilience.

Rob’s two main areas of expertise are happiness and mental health. He is a motivational TEDx Speaker on happiness, mental health, and workplace well-being.

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Collage of pictures of dream catchers from the Native American tradition and pictures representing dreams

Dreams and journaling – Part One & Two – for mindfulness, insight, and well-being

Dreams are a valued resource for getting unstuck, aware, inspired, insightful, and more organized and productive.

Welcome to the Mind Wise podcast and newsletter, presenting perspective and information about mental health, holistic health care, wellness, neuroscience, psychiatry, philosophy, and spirituality. I am your host, Ron Parks, M.P.H., M.D., writer, teacher, and consultant.

Today I begin a 2-part series exploring a readily available phenomenon that occurs in your slumber and sleep world—dreaming.

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Collage of pictures of the experience of wellness and wellbeing and related activities

Cory Costanzo’s Journey to the Still Point Wellness Spa

Cory’s searching and finding the way to wellness and well-being for himself and others.

Welcome to the Mind Wise podcast, presenting perspective and information about mental health, holistic health care, wellness, neuroscience, psychiatry, philosophy, and spirituality. I am your host, Ron Parks, M.P.H., M.D., writer, teacher, and consultant.

Today I continue to explore the life and journey of unique holistic healthcare enthusiasts and practitioners, their innovative services, and their tips on what they feel works best for themselves and others seeking better health and well-being. My guest today is Corey Costanzo, the co-owner and developer of the unique Still Point Wellness Spa in Asheville, North Carolina. But I’ll let Corey tell you who he is, and he will tell us a little about himself, how he got started on his journey, and how he ended up with one of the most beautifully designed and outstanding holistic spas in the country, Still Point Wellness. It is a place to see, experience, and a healthy destination here in Asheville, North Carolina.

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Collage with 15 pictures on the theme of holistic health and wellness, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, Buddhist practices, enlightenment, and becoming aware.

 Journey to enlightened healthcare

A unique self-help health program began with wanting answers and evolved into a superb holistic health program.

Part 1 — A Conversation with Brother Promise

I had a conversation with a loving, joyous, youthful monk, living and developing a holistic health program to enrich the lives and health of others. He is a fellow writer on Substack, where I publish my Mind Wise newsletter, where I discovered his work and connected with him.

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Collage of 6 pictures: the concentration camp and the captured, searching for meaning, peace, a solder with PTSD, and spiritual awakening.

Unraveling the Unfathomable: Capturing the Essence of Profound Experiences*

Impactful experiences critically affect a person’s choices, life direction, meaning, and perspective.

Finding the right words to describe the indescribable

Difficulty describing profound and highly impactful events is a challenge for most, as words cannot capture the essence and totality of the happening. There are talented writers, poets, spiritual masters, and philosophers who have come close to conveying the mystery and otherworldliness of personal and profound, unique experiences. Experiences can be momentary, powerful, ecstatic, liberating, and enlightening, or painful, life-threatening, tragic, traumatic, and damaging. The event can occur over time with duress until circumstances change.

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Collage of impactful experience with pictures of ecstatic peak experience in natural setting, or with assistance, and traumatic life threatening events.

Impactful moments that critically affect life and well-being

Enlightening expansive experience can be an accelerator for change and growth

A dynamic, momentary, or more prolonged experience can alter and mold your life and its expression.

Any of us can recall certain impactful events that may have significantly impacted our life experiences and choices. Today, for instance, was boiling and muggy with overhead threatening storm clouds and a distant rumble of an approaching thunderstorm. It took my mind back to a past eventful summer’s day. I was seventeen and had worked hard that summer, earning enough to have my first car, and began dating my childhood sweetheart, my future wife. My older brother, who was working with a seasoned builder and involved with a construction project, hired me for the summer to assist the job superintendent with whatever help he needed. I felt both lucky and proud to be relied on for everything that came up. I remember one of the heavy equipment drivers who was always bragging about his smooth ways and dating life. He would tease me about being green behind the ears and maybe a little spoiled.

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