Category: Social Media

Collage of pictures of recreational and assault guns and people with mental illness and anger

Mass Shootings—Too Many Guns or Mental Health Problems

Resolving the political divide on the causes and solutions of active or mass shooter incidences may be in the link between mental health, depression, lethal weapons, and media influence.

There has been a lack of progress in passing new legislation and regulations to help curb the increase in mass shootings of innocent people. Tragic loss of life from mass shootings or active shooter incidences is now an almost daily occurrence and increasing. People feel helpless and angered that our elected officials, for-profit businesses, and organizations can’t have fruitful discussions or surmount their partisan stuck talking points and biases.1

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Young Barefoot Woman with Headscarf on Beach looking and grieving her losses and hoping for a secure future

Extreme Passion, the Value and Danger—Holocaust Recalled

Harnessing extremes into creativity, loving concern for others, and actions to avoid societal upheaval, hatred, and destruction.

I recount an early life story that brought me to the realities and risks of the extreme passions and ideas we can get caught up in as individuals or whole societies with positive or devastating outcomes.  

My mother’s lost cousin—Iren

When I was a child in the early-to-mid 1940s, my mother took me to a local shoe repair shop on

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A peaceful garden with flowers and a warming gaslight.

The Gun Narrative and Gaslighting

The Discordant Debate on Mass Shootings, Clarity, and Sensible Choices

So many unanswered questions

In the recent gun violence and murder of vulnerable and innocent children, anger and questioning come after the shock and grief. Were we misled, gaslighted? Who is the blame? Why again, who is responsible or who was irresponsible? Why is our country the world’s leader in possession of deadly firearms, with little regulation or safety requirements? Another mass shooting has occurred, this time of nineteen innocent and vulnerable elementary school children and two adults killed by an 18-year-old with a military-like assault gun. How do the murderers and perpetrators of gun violence slip through all detection and become so twisted and radicalized to carry out their horrendous actions as in recent mass shootings?

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Hate Crimes & Weapons

Hate Crimes Rising

In this postmodern age we find ourselves enmeshed in civil wars, tribal prejudices that we thought we had outgrown long ago. We can dare to counter the spirit of hate and separation with the romantic view of connectedness”.

The Art of Is: improvising a way of life by Stephen Nachmanovitch, pg 203

Hate crimes have been growing in this country, against minorities and other vulnerable groups.

Many factors have been blamed as the growing and heated partisan divide in our country’s politics. It is essential to look at any underlying contributors to hatred and violence. One is the prevalent use of divisive rhetoric in public discourse that leads to conflict rather than peaceful coexistence and inclusiveness.  

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  • When I came down with Stage III cancer shortly after and was extremely depressed and anxious about my diagnosis, he prescribed me the right medications to help me. He sent me to a diet/ herbalist/ acupuncturist specializing in cancer. I am a survivor today.


  • In the fifteen years, we have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Ron Parks, his integrity, knowledge, and humanity have shown in both his professional and personal interactions.

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