Category: Trauma

Four pictures of individuals or groups grappling with identity and perspective, one of an individual threatened by mob violence.

Identity and Perspective: for Success or Misfortune

The tragedies of our time, and perhaps of all times, hinge on extremes of personal or group identification and loss of perspective.

In the day’s events, we see tragic outcomes, minor disputes, hatred and discrimination, mass murders, and the carnage of war. Mass shootings often occur because of racial hatred that links to individuals or groups with extreme views or ideologies. Adopting and embracing a limited set of ideas and beliefs eliminates and eradicates perspective and context.

Consequences of my tightly held identity and perspective

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Four pictures in a frame of two people caught in a storm and flood crisis are balanced by two images representing balance and composure after surviving the crisis. Pictures and composition done in Canva.

Wise actions when feeling overwhelmed or pushed to the limit

Our life and future happen from the decisive choices and actions we take.

Two terrifying Incidences

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In my early life and career, there were two incidences when I thought I would not survive and my future aspirations would be no more. These episodes seemed to happen in the so-called fate of the moment, with the saving grace of surviving a tragic outcome.

One incident reverberated in my mind when I hit the brakes with an almost intuitive decision that reversed what I thought would be a deadly consequence for my wife and me. The near-fatal incident was when I drove south for a vacation with my wife several years after our marriage. We were on a two-lane road with the glow of the future in front of us.

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Four pictures in a frame of 2 people being scammed, 1 of scammer, and 1 of word picture with scam and related words

A criminal syndicate scammed me, with the near loss of my savings and damage to my trusting nature.

Finding Gratefulness and Wisdom after getting off the hook when netted in a deadly phishing scheme.

Vulnerability to a scam

Close calls frighten you to the core but can also provide you with the best lessons for growth and wisdom. I remember when I was young, the incidences where I thought I would lose my life, career, or all that seemed important. Fortunately, almost miraculously, there was a reprieve from a potentially disastrous ending to the misstep or flawed choice. Then there was much repair work, with some gained wisdom and plenty about which to talk.

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Four pictures in a frame of soldiers in a fogy battle scene, a gun with a rose, a game of scrabble with word gun debate on top of a flag, and a boy with a large toy water gun

The U.S. Gun Romance and Harsh Reality of Gun Deaths

A close look at the history, key contributing factors, mental health-related issues, and needed changes

Gun violence has been a major issue in the U.S. for too long. I felt it worthwhile to examine the historical context, key contributing factors, and critical mental health-related issues. My goal? To increase awareness and perspective and develop a reasonable discussion about reducing gun deaths. Join me in exploring a subject of critical concern for the safety and well-being of our community.

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Young Barefoot Woman with Headscarf on Beach looking and grieving her losses and hoping for a secure future

Extreme Passion, the Value and Danger—Holocaust Recalled

Harnessing extremes into creativity, loving concern for others, and actions to avoid societal upheaval, hatred, and destruction.

I recount an early life story that brought me to the realities and risks of the extreme passions and ideas we can get caught up in as individuals or whole societies with positive or devastating outcomes.  

My mother’s lost cousin—Iren

When I was a child in the early-to-mid 1940s, my mother took me to a local shoe repair shop on

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A peaceful garden with flowers and a warming gaslight.

The Gun Narrative and Gaslighting

The Discordant Debate on Mass Shootings, Clarity, and Sensible Choices

So many unanswered questions

In the recent gun violence and murder of vulnerable and innocent children, anger and questioning come after the shock and grief. Were we misled, gaslighted? Who is the blame? Why again, who is responsible or who was irresponsible? Why is our country the world’s leader in possession of deadly firearms, with little regulation or safety requirements? Another mass shooting has occurred, this time of nineteen innocent and vulnerable elementary school children and two adults killed by an 18-year-old with a military-like assault gun. How do the murderers and perpetrators of gun violence slip through all detection and become so twisted and radicalized to carry out their horrendous actions as in recent mass shootings?

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Old leather journal on wood plank table with a favorite pen beside.

Journal Keeping for Health and Productivity

Purpose, Types, Benefits, and Tips

Journaling is one of the most valuable and accessible self-help tools available.

In times of stress and duress, journaling can help work through some of the most difficult life challenges, such as the death of a spouse with the difficulty that follows.

An award-winning author, grief support advocate, and marketing consultant, Linda Donovan,1 shares a personal piece about the healing power of journaling in her life as an opening to our exploration of a valuable tool anybody can use. Dr. Parks then continues the narrative about the history and purpose of journaling, how his fascination with it developed, journal types, benefits, eight tips for doing journal keeping, and resources.

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Model of two hearts fitting nicely together in a birds nest

Relationships, Conflicts, and War

A prospect for healing and peace for individuals and countries

Ron Parks, MD Feb 25

A Holiday with Meaning

Valentine’s day that passed recently reminds me that there are more profound realities than myself and related busyness. The holiday about love and relationship almost got overlooked, with my over-involvement and preoccupation with what I was doing. Luckily, my wife and something in the news gave a subtle reminder of Valentine’s Day coming. After reflecting on the day’s special significance—love, relationship, and our mutual interdependence—I went into action with roses and a special day together.

Unfortunately, the loveliness of the holiday was diminished by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The dynamics of relationship and choice-making become even more poignant when seeing the tragedy of another war unfolding. I reflected on the relationship between an individual’s emotional and mental functioning and extension to one’s social group, society, or country.

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woman doctor checking patient's blood pressure -Copyright: rocketclips / 123RF Stock Photo

High Anxious Blood Pressures and Drug Dilemma

Elevated blood pressure readings in doctors offices and the decision process

Anxiety, fear, and stress can increase your risk of many different illnesses and degenerative diseases. There is a decision-making process that relies on advice, obtaining reliable well-sourced information, and the input from our developed inner wisdom or what I call the internal guiding narrative. The inner guide, of course, needs our attention and awareness. It is influenced by experience and develops in each of us throughout our lives. Ron’s personal story about reliance on his inner guidance to make a difficult choice follows.

Shocked by a high blood pressure reading

I took the BP readings with a manual sphygmomanometer and stethoscope at home when not feeling well. My blood pressure was elevated. I was worried to the point that…

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  • When I came down with Stage III cancer shortly after and was extremely depressed and anxious about my diagnosis, he prescribed me the right medications to help me. He sent me to a diet/ herbalist/ acupuncturist specializing in cancer. I am a survivor today.


  • In the fifteen years, we have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Ron Parks, his integrity, knowledge, and humanity have shown in both his professional and personal interactions.

    -Lino Stanchich

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