High Anxious Blood Pressures and Drug Dilemma
Elevated blood pressure readings in doctors offices and the decision process
Anxiety, fear, and stress can increase your risk of many different illnesses and degenerative diseases. There is a decision-making process that relies on advice, obtaining reliable well-sourced information, and the input from our developed inner wisdom or what I call the internal guiding narrative. The inner guide, of course, needs our attention and awareness. It is influenced by experience and develops in each of us throughout our lives. Ron’s personal story about reliance on his inner guidance to make a difficult choice follows.
Shocked by a high blood pressure reading
I took the BP readings with a manual sphygmomanometer and stethoscope at home when not feeling well. My blood pressure was elevated. I was worried to the point that…
anxiety, holistic therapies, holistic treatment, integrative approaches, Integrative Psychiatry, PTSD, trauma