Library of All Posts

Collage of pictures with the theme of neurodiversity, adjusted and challenged children and adults with ADHD or ASD and finding acceptance and peacefulness with nature,

ADHD Reality—The focus and distraction dilemma

Practical choices for surviving and thriving A call about ADHD and life difficulties A distressed family member and colleague recently ...

Hurricane Trauma Comes to Idyllic Asheville, NC

Riverknoll community seeks help after Helene's devastation. Dec 06, 2024 Hurricane Trauma in Asheville; Survival, Recovery, and Renewal: RRP design ...
Collage of pictures with theme of getting influenced or deceived by others, finding collaborators or help you can trust, and learning to access and tune in your innate valuable inner resources.

Collaboration: friend or foe in making critical choices?

What is the cure for indecisiveness in personal, business, or political matters? Mentoring or biased advice? Recently, in a conversation ...
A collage of pictures showing the importance of holistic health programs, optimal nutrition, and the wise choice of supplements when they are beneficial and needed.

Is there value in taking nutrition supplements?

Is there a role for dietary supplementation in a holistic health and wellness program? In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing our ...
Collage of pictures and art on theme of loss, grief, art therapy, and journey to healing and the spirit.

Finding the Art of Life and the Spirit – video podcast

An interview with the accomplished and talented Evie Lindemann, author, teacher, and art therapist. View or listen to a fantastic ...
A collage of pictures representing the theme of Wise choosing & collaborating to ensure health & longevity and all being in balance.

An “Ensurance Plan” for healthy aging, productivity, and vitality.

How can a practical and sensible plan be structured to maintain or enhance physical and mental health, longevity, and well-being? ...
Collage of pictures in remembrance of Holocaust and lessons of inclusion, acceptance and collaboration, to not to repeat the tragedy of the past.

Commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024—A Chilling Reminder

The stark recall of the experience of mass torture and slaughter of a multitude of innocent citizens is a lesson ...
Collage of picture of New Year, lightening the candles, cycle of light to darkness, the celebration, the grief, loss, the spiritual connection, enlightenment.

New Year’s—the hope, meaning, and the promise

The holidays are a time for reflection and an opportunity to rebalance self-needs, relationships, spirituality, and wisdom ...
Collage of picture on theme of division, hatred, antisemitism, spirituality, faith, enlightenment, and peaceful coexistence.

Tevye and the Pogrom

A reflection on a classic movie, the history, today’s rise in hate, division, extremism, and antisemitism; and a perspective from ...
A collage of picture about the sleep experience and ways to improve restorative sleep and health.

Sleep is the best guide for health, longevity, and productivity.

Monitoring sleep quality can be an invaluable tool in choosing your priorities and be an early warning sign of impending ...
Collage of pictures on theme of being stuck in a dilemma to surmounting to flow and creativity.

Surmounting dilemmas and conflicts to free productivity and flow

Indecision and fear are the roadblocks to success and well-being! Getting stuck in a dilemma A dilemma is when one ...
Collage of 12 pictures with theme of special interests and gaining mastery of technology with help

Unique Interests Developed into a Career

The challenges for people with special interests, uniqueness, and talents People with special interests that evolve into exceptional talents and ...
Collage of six picture of peoples journey from midlife crisis to vitality and thriving.

Finding the way from a midlife crisis

Navigating from a life-challenging period of depression and suicidal thoughts to purpose and vitality—strategies to help. My father's surprising revelations ...
collage of nine pictures with scenes of traumatic events and realization of the way to happiness and thriving.

Unlocking Happiness: A Journey of Recovery and Transformation

Exploring Mental Health, Trauma, and Self-Belief for Personal Growth and Happiness 09/07/2023 Video Podcast, Podcast interview with Rob Hosking The ...
Collage of pictures of dream catchers from the Native American tradition and pictures representing dreams

Dreams and journaling – Part One & Two – for mindfulness, insight, and well-being

Dreams are a valued resource for getting unstuck, aware, inspired, insightful, and more organized and productive. Welcome to the Mind ...
Collage of pictures of the experience of wellness and wellbeing and related activities

Cory Costanzo’s Journey to the Still Point Wellness Spa

Cory's searching and finding the way to wellness and well-being for himself and others. Welcome to the Mind Wise podcast, ...
Collage with 15 pictures on the theme of holistic health and wellness, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, Buddhist practices, enlightenment, and becoming aware.

 Journey to enlightened healthcare

A unique self-help health program began with wanting answers and evolved into a superb holistic health program. Part 1 — ...
Collage of 6 pictures: the concentration camp and the captured, searching for meaning, peace, a solder with PTSD, and spiritual awakening.

Unraveling the Unfathomable: Capturing the Essence of Profound Experiences*

Impactful experiences critically affect a person's choices, life direction, meaning, and perspective. Finding the right words to describe the indescribable ...
Collage of impactful experience with pictures of ecstatic peak experience in natural setting, or with assistance, and traumatic life threatening events.

Impactful moments that critically affect life and well-being

Enlightening expansive experience can be an accelerator for change and growth A dynamic, momentary, or more prolonged experience can alter ...
Collage of pictures representing choosing and decision making, karma and result, and a building imploding, and woman of wisdom.

The Art of Decision-making for Successful Outcomes

My mother's wise advice, the tragic vacation to see the Titanic wreckage, decision-making, and my close calls A mother's advice ...


I have recently joined the open-source Mastodon social media network. It has better features for communicating with others on a ...
Collage of 13 pictures with theme of writer's block, and return to creative production and flow; one picture reminds to listen to your inner voice.

Surmounting Writer’s Block

The critical steps to reignite inspired creativity, growth, and productivity. Writer's Block Strikes I was returning from a vacation and ...
Collage of pictures of recreational and assault guns and people with mental illness and anger

Mass Shootings—Too Many Guns or Mental Health Problems

Resolving the political divide on the causes and solutions of active or mass shooter incidences may be in the link ...
Colleague of pictures around the theme of loss, forgiveness, broken heart, insight, perspective, & enlightenment

What I learned from my father’s death or should have

The hidden truth about Forgiveness by Ron Parks, MD It was early morning when I got a call from the ...
A group of pictures depicting help from relationships, getting insight, feedback, and perspective.

Relationships for Growth and Perspective

Awareness and receptiveness are essential for wise decisions, perspective, and adaptability. My valued mentor and the confusing advice A favorite ...
Four colorful pictures representing neurodiversity, creators, and innovative thinkers.

The Brainchild, Unique Talents, and Artificial Intelligence

Taking longer to do things is not a crime, laziness, procrastination, or incompetence, but the basis of a brilliant mind ...
Four pictures of a person meditating in a beautiful ocean setting, a student absorbed in books, a ship on a mystical journey, and a sign of mind full or mindful?

Embracing the essential other for creative fulfillment and well-being

Secretes to rejuvenating a stale, unhappy, and unproductive mind. The stressful trip I was preparing for a trip with my ...
Four pictures of individuals or groups grappling with identity and perspective, one of an individual threatened by mob violence.

Identity and Perspective: for Success or Misfortune

The tragedies of our time, and perhaps of all times, hinge on extremes of personal or group identification and loss ...
Four pictures in a frame of two people caught in a storm and flood crisis are balanced by two images representing balance and composure after surviving the crisis. Pictures and composition done in Canva.

Wise actions when feeling overwhelmed or pushed to the limit

Our life and future happen from the decisive choices and actions we take. Two terrifying Incidences To listen to Speechify ...
Four pictures in a frame of 2 people being scammed, 1 of scammer, and 1 of word picture with scam and related words

A criminal syndicate scammed me, with the near loss of my savings and damage to my trusting nature.

Finding Gratefulness and Wisdom after getting off the hook when netted in a deadly phishing scheme. Vulnerability to a scam ...
Four pictures depicting caregivers in their different roles and with their challenging significant other dependent.

The Challenges of mental illness caregiving

The realities of the care and responsibility when a family member is disabled with a schizophrenic illness Parents or caregivers ...
Four pictures depicting elements related to schizophrenia, the disability and challenges, and the reality of the illness with different faces of some representation of schizophrenia or distress and one picture of a brain surrounded by medication.

Schizophrenia, the Stigma, Reality, and Hope

Being Partially informed or influenced by misinformation creates significant problems for those affected with disabilities and the community at large ...
Four pictures in a frame of soldiers in a fogy battle scene, a gun with a rose, a game of scrabble with word gun debate on top of a flag, and a boy with a large toy water gun

The U.S. Gun Romance and Harsh Reality of Gun Deaths

A close look at the history, key contributing factors, mental health-related issues, and needed changes Gun violence has been a ...
a frame with four colorful pictures suggesting a person having a nightmare with two shots of extremely alarmed people, one hanging from a mountainside, and of a pressure gauge in the red zone

Dreamwork for Insight, Creativity, and Growth

The dream is an untapped resource for insight, problem-solving, and self-improvement. Dreams an Untapped Resource Dreamwork is a valuable resource ...
Young Barefoot Woman with Headscarf on Beach looking and grieving her losses and hoping for a secure future

Extreme Passion, the Value and Danger—Holocaust Recalled

Harnessing extremes into creativity, loving concern for others, and actions to avoid societal upheaval, hatred, and destruction. I recount an ...
graphic picture of a human head with a heart shaped, multicolored jigsaw in center of brain as a brain reflecting neurodiversity

The Challenges and Advantages of Dyslexic Traits

Neurodiversity, in a more modern application, describes the unique and multivariate differences in all people. Looking at all individuals, we ...
The idea of neurodiversity wisdom on a picture of a boy struggling with his studies that needs appreciation for his differences, skills and talents

Neurodiversity and Dyslexia: Appreciates Differences, Skills, and Talents

Labels and diagnosis Helpful or Not, when Traits of Dyslexia, ADHD, or Autism Spectrum Appear Dyslexia, autism spectrum, and ADHD ...
A creative young girl building with blocks

Unmasking Neurodiversity to Discover Hidden Talent, and the Authentic Self

The cost of masking, arrogance, and a rigid self-identity; Eight Tips for successfully living the authentic and creative life ...
graphic of Earth as a globe made up on multicolored jigsaw pieces making up the whole floating in space

Unlocking Artistry and Creativity

Conforming, Neurodiversity, and Masking Ron Parks, MD Barriers to creativity, artistry, and genius go from very subtle to high-risk, life-threatening ...
a graphic of women pondering a decision

The Art of Decision Making

Choosing the best options During our day-to-day lives, many choices and decisions need making or are made from when we ...
A peaceful garden with flowers and a warming gaslight.

The Gun Narrative and Gaslighting

The Discordant Debate on Mass Shootings, Clarity, and Sensible Choices by Ron Parks, MD So many unanswered questions In the ...
Old leather journal on wood plank table with a favorite pen beside.

Journal Keeping for Health and Productivity

Purpose, Types, Benefits, and Tips Journaling is one of the most valuable and accessible self-help tools available. In times of ...
Inspiration, Rebirth, Butterfly on a flower

Spring’s Challenge in Conflictual Times

Ten Tips for Restoring Peaceful Coexistence when Discord Arises A New Beginning and Hope The season for a fresh start ...
Model of two hearts fitting nicely together in a birds nest

Relationships, Conflicts, and War

A prospect for healing and peace for individuals and countries Ron Parks, MD Feb 25 A Holiday with Meaning Valentine’s ...
woman doctor checking patient's blood pressure -Copyright: rocketclips / 123RF Stock Photo

High Anxious Blood Pressures and Drug Dilemma

Elevated blood pressure readings in doctors offices and the decision process Anxiety, fear, and stress can increase your risk of ...
A beautiful butterfly in a harmonious natural environment

The Wisdom from an Editor

The perilous journey through core beliefs, entrapment, realization, and liberation. Sometimes our life appears to be guided by a developed ...
Burned Tea Kettle now a flower pot

The Burned Tea Kettle

The Risk of Distraction and a Familiar Tale of Woe We all experience what seems like a bit of inattention ...
Keeping of a journal on an expedition

Befriending the Inner Voice

The willingness to challenge our firmly held beliefs and established narrative identity is a gateway for change, gaining wisdom, and ...
Fear and anxiety

Surviving Anxiety and Trauma

Unexpected Fall Dr. Sid—endearingly just called “Sid” by his peers, colleagues, and fellow healthcare workers—made his way through the city ...
Turbulent hurricane

Storms and Mental Health

Mary's Challenges Mary had a history of mood swings, depression, anxiety, and PTSD from childhood sexual abuse. Her years growing ...
ecstatic women's face doing Yoga

Yoga & Eastern Influence on Holistic Healthcare

An Awakening Fall As a nine-year-old boy, while enjoying the warmth of the midday sun, I was easing my way ...
Man contemplting shooting self with gun with alcohol, depressed

Gun Deaths, Mental Health, & Laws

The Harsh Reality of Gun Deaths I remember the day I first experienced tragedy as if it were yesterday. What ...
Boy depressed with a tear in the eyes

Childrens’ Essential Need

A child at risk can easily go unrecognized! Sam was lagging in his school work and was falling asleep on ...
Lightning in a thunderstorm and natural disaster

Crises, Career, and Mental Health

My journey from crises to a career in medicine and mental health began early in life. Growing up in the ...

COVID-19 and Mental Health Crises Book

If a mental health crisis or the pandemic has affected your life, then this book is written for you. COVID-19/Mental ...
Awakening to the wonderment of nature

Epilogue to COVID-19

The U.S. and all the other countries of the world lost the cherished and innocent beliefs of individuality, separateness, and ...
Women fearful of taking a pill

Antidepressant Safety Concerns

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a marked increase in depression with mental health resources being overwhelmed when needed ...
Planet in a hand with ocean and a butterfly

Pandemic LifeSavers

To ensure a safe journey through the present hazardous times of the COVID-19 pandemic, make wise choices. Be vigilant to ...
fear and anxiety in a senior women

Pandemic Fear and Anxiety

Recognition and management of fear and anxiety are essential to maintain healthy emotions and mood. Cascading anxiety can contribute to ...
threatening clouds

Reducing COVID-19 Risk

Information evolves, and in something like a pandemic, the story changes daily. The threat of severe health impairment, death, or ...
Death, rebirth, and revelation into the light

COVID-19’s Revelation

COVID-19 emerged as a new frightening and dangerous respiratory virus with many deaths due to a lack of immunity and ...
Sun breaking through clouds

Covid-19 Depression & Grief

With a catastrophic pandemic as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2) with exposure to overwhelming circumstances and a high number of deaths, survivors have ...
Assessing risk at falling dominos by looking for where to stoop the reaction

COVID-19’s Vulnerable Hosts & Path Forward

Does COVID-19 have favorite human hosts that are its preferred place to infect, live, and thrive? If so, what will ...
Women unattentive to the elephant in the room

Elephant in COVID-19’s Room

The spin away from the“inconvenient truths” in the current COVID-19 crisis, represents business and politics at their worse. In business ...
Rooster crow morning wakeup

COVID-19 Wake Up Call

The current COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call to understand all the contributing factors, and steps needed to protect ourselves ...
Face of a mask-wearing boy with fear in the eye

COVID-19 & Polio Past

What will be the outcome as COVID-19 continues? Can we look at past viral epidemics in the country to clarify ...
COVID-19 graphic concept of viral attack

Coronavirus Anxiety

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid spread and potential for severe respiratory illness and death, for the most vulnerable, has dramatically increased ...
World wide spread of Coronavirus

Coronavirus Natural Approaches

Coronavirus disease currently has no proven drugs, vaccines, or natural agents to prevent, cure, or lessen the disease impact. People ...
Steps to Health

Coronavirus Holistic Health Steps

Coronavirus, infections, and its rapid spread globally and now in the U.S., is causing fear and some near-panic. I proposed ...
Human suffering and Holocaust

Remembering the Holocaust

Memory is short for some people for past tragedies. Facts can become an inconvenient truth. Claims of not knowing and ...
Hate Crimes & Weapons

Hate Crimes Rising

"In this postmodern age we find ourselves enmeshed in civil wars, tribal prejudices that we thought we had outgrown long ...
Sunrise amidst the clouds

Autism Spectrum Trait Recognition

Autism spectrum traits or characteristics (AST) are common in our population and may contribute to unique advantages or disadvantages. There ...
© PaylessImages / - A path and heart in clouds

The Heart Addiction Connection

“This heart will one day find you a sweetheart. This soul will one day take you to the beloved. Seize ...
Gifted child drawing an abstract picture with colorful splatters

Unique Talent Attributes versus Autistic Traits

“Unique Talent Attributes (UTA)” are distinguishing, often underappreciated abilities and talents, found in a valuable minority of our population. Individuals ...

Mourning Pet Loss

A Dream about the death of my dog Pepper: In my dream, I was working at my desk, and I ...
Businessman working in the office with piles of books and papers Image ID : 87215213 Copyright : Elnur Amikishiyev

Getting Better Organized and Tasks Done

Not getting tasks done or being able to stay on schedule is an obstacle to health, well-being, and career. There ...
overwhelmed, grief, man covering fsce and crying, monochromatic image © Igor Stevanovic/

Horrific Synagogue Shooting Precursors

Are the issues with guns, mental health, or current politics? The standoff between powerful and influential groups with conflicting positions ...
huge hurricane over Florida - hurricanes, depression, and recovery

Hurricanes – Trauma – Recovery

Hurricanes, as the recent Florence, demonstrate the extremes of nature with massive destruction and disruptions of lives. The full impact ...
Promise of Light on other side of a Wood Bridge of wood bridge in deep forest crossing water stream and glowing light at the end of wooden ways; Copyright: khunaspix / 123RF Stock Photo

Expert Mentoring – A Key to Restoring Mental & Emotional Health

Escalating mental health, emotional or related health issues may signal the need for mentoring or guidance. When help is needed, ...
woman doctor checking patient's blood pressure -Copyright: rocketclips / 123RF Stock Photo

Holistic Approach to High Blood Pressure 2018

High blood pressure (BP) can be alarming when found during a medical visit or at any other time. High blood ...
scared businessman is falling into office chaos


People with attention, focus, or ADHD difficulties can be at a disadvantage in work, academic, and social situations. ADHD (Attention-Deficit ...
Meditation, mindfulness, happiness - zen garden with massage stones and waterlily

Meditation – Mental Health Essential

Meditation, Mindfulness, or Introspective Practices have well proven their value in holistic mental health work for mood, anxiety, addiction, and ...
huge hurricane over Florida - hurricanes, depression, and recovery

Hurricanes, Depression, and Recovery

"Hurricanes, Depression, and Recovery" article is a story of one person’s tragedy from severe depression and hurricane losses. Experiencing a ...
53669229 - beautiful colorful butterfly sitting on female hand, close-up - thyroid gland is like a butterfly in the anterior region of the neck

Thyroid, Mood, and Health

The Thyroid Gland (Butterfly Shaped), Autoimmunity, Mood, and Health The association of mood, thyroid dysfunction, and autoimmunity is a possible ...
addictions, OD with pills

Addictions Uncovered

Current statistics show the immensity and seriousness of unrecognized substance abuse disorders and addictions. An integrative psychiatry perspective looks beyond labels, ...
Steps to Health

Ten Holistic Steps for Mental Health

Ten Holistic Steps for Mental Health by Ron Parks, MD & edited by Shan Parks Take the steps for your ...
aspie traits, diversity, goldfish

“Aspie” Traits

Instead of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or a person with Asperger’s syndrome, some have a preference to be seen as ...
Women in a Float Tank - deeply relaxed

Saltwater Flotation’s Therapeutic Journey

One of Many Integrative Strategies for Mental Health, Wellness, and Wellbeing - My Floatation Experience A friend and colleague invited ...
Spiritual Emergence, Recovery

Neuroplasticity – Recovery & Transformation

Recovery and Transformation are often felt to be impossible for individuals with addictions or mental health problem as depression, anxiety, ...
Awareness is often ignored, which is one of the most significant of factors for healing - opening the door to healing

Awareness – The Core of Healing

“Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?” From Rumi the 13th Century Sufi mystic poet ...
Man on Boardwalk, depression, PTSD,veteran

PTSD Treatment with RESET Therapy

RESET Therapy (Reconsolidation Enhancement by Stimulation of Emotional Triggers) [featured-image size="featured" single_newwindow="false"] An amazing solution to PTSD difficulty is RESET ...
Man with PTSD, terror, trauma

PTSD, Terror and Trauma – Holistic Approach

PTSD, terror, trauma  - how common and what to do after recognition? A greater number of people, appear to be ...
Pampas Grass in natural setting

Bipolar Holistic Treatment – Part 2

A Holistic integrative approach to the study and treatment of Bipolar Illness — BPI (also referred to as Bipolar or ...
Lost in Jungle with light ahead

Holistic Approach to Bipolar Illness – Part 1

BPI (Bipolar illness), often referred to as bipolar disorder or manic depression, affects more than 2.2 million people in the ...

Mass School Shooting – Insanity or Guns?

A senseless killing of innocent and vulnerable students has occurred again. Although the U.S. has about 5% of the world's ...
Picture of a depressed man

The Downside of Untreated Depression

Recovery from most medical illness is difficult unless depression is recognized and treated. Depression often co-exists with other illnesses. Major ...

Best Treatment For Panic and Anxiety

Prevent and reduce the frequency and severity of anxiety and panic. A high percentage of panic attack suffers receiving appropriate ...

Help for Anxiety and Panic

Has anxiety and panic attacks compromised your life? Peace of mind and personal happiness may elude sufferers who deal with ...

Helping Focus, Attention & ADHD

[featured-image size="featured" single_newwindow="false"] Improper recognition or misdiagnosing of Attention/Focus Problems (AFP) and ADHD (Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also referred to as ...

Best Approach to Adult ADHD (ADD)

[featured-image size="featured" single_newwindow="false"] Integrative psychiatry, medicine and holistic therapies can inform and help ADHD ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) also referred to ...
gold figure with gold key

The Secret in Health and Well-Being

One of the most hidden secrets on the planet is “how to find optimal health, well-being, and longevity”. Everyone searches ...


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  • When I came down with Stage III cancer shortly after and was extremely depressed and anxious about my diagnosis, he prescribed me the right medications to help me. He sent me to a diet/ herbalist/ acupuncturist specializing in cancer. I am a survivor today.


  • In the fifteen years, we have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Ron Parks, his integrity, knowledge, and humanity have shown in both his professional and personal interactions.

    -Lino Stanchich

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