Meditation, Mindfulness, or Introspective Practices
have well proven their value in holistic mental health work for mood, anxiety, addiction, and health issues. Meditation can be an essential tool for happiness and mental health. Enhancement of longevity and decrease in brain aging has also been demonstrated as an added benefit. In many other areas, there are proven benefits as in work, school, athletic performance, sleep, and creativity. The mere awareness in meditation – that thoughts and emotion are of a changing and transient nature – is enlightening for those felt imprisoned by harsh negative thoughts and emotions.
One of the most hidden secrets on the planet is “how to find optimal health, well-being, and longevity”.
Everyone searches for answers, but few find it. To uncover the “SECRET” to health, there needs to be first, a healthy process of removing accumulated negative emotional debris, layers of unhelpful ideas, and limiting concepts. Open your mind to being “health wise”.
There may be a path to health and well-being in the letters of the word “SECRET”.
S – Spirituality, Serenity, Surrender
Find peacefulness by letting go and accepting things as they are. Understand and accept the fact that you pay a big price for the added burdens, worries and stress you carry. You have to surrender the unnecessary. Let it go — in order to experience greater awareness and connection with the truth beyond your individual knowledge, biased interpretations, and perceptions. E – Experience life with open awareness, letting go of entrapment from personal conditioning, words, concepts, memories
C – Compassion, Calmness, and Completeness
Allow acceptance, rather than the attitude of lack, or the belief that you need to be something more than you are. Find resolutions for any anxieties, fears of being vulnerable, or incomplete.
R – Renewal, Regeneration and the Regaining of the connection with your inner being — the true self — to heal your mind, body, and spirit
Unleash the vital energy held captive by the chains of stress. Gain freedom by letting go of the constant struggle to maintain a more than needed, “protective identity” — what is established from memories and a “felt need” to be safe, secure, important, powerful, and adequate.
E — Enlightenment — Experience an open awareness by being in the presenting moment
Allow release from the constraints and over identification as being a separate self — an “ego.” Allows an entry into the larger healing context from the wounds of separation and alienation. Many of our great teachers and sages have struggled to put into words what is an experience and difficult to express.
T – Transpersonal – To experience connectedness to all life, beyond your personality, beliefs, education and culture, is being in the health and healing zone.
by Ron Parks, MD, edited by Shan Parks
What would be helpful in your journey of awareness and search for optimal physical, emotional, spiritual health and well-being?
What would be relevant to your interests or helpful in your journey of awareness and exploration, in areas related to physical, emotional, spiritual health and well-being? Comment below if you wish.
RONALD R. PARKS, MPH, MD in addition to his past practice of integrative psychiatry, medicine, nutrition and holistic therapies, is currently a teacher, consultant. and writer. To read more, click on this link: about Dr. Parks
When I came down with Stage III cancer shortly after and was extremely depressed and anxious about my diagnosis, he prescribed me the right medications to help me. He sent me to a diet/ herbalist/ acupuncturist specializing in cancer. I am a survivor today.
In the fifteen years, we have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Ron Parks, his integrity, knowledge, and humanity have shown in both his professional and personal interactions.
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