COVID-19 & Polio Past
What will be the outcome as COVID-19 continues? Can we look at past viral epidemics in the country to clarify where we are now and what to expect?
Written by Ron Parks, MD on . Posted in Coronavirus, Viral Pandemics.
What will be the outcome as COVID-19 continues? Can we look at past viral epidemics in the country to clarify where we are now and what to expect?
Written by Ron Parks, MD on . Posted in Anxiety & Panic, Coronavirus, Holistic Approaches to Prevention and Recovery, Public Health Issue, Viral Pandemics. 2 Comments
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid spread and potential for severe respiratory illness and death, for the most vulnerable, has dramatically increased anxiety.
The current crisis calls for an understanding of anxiety states, getting help for severe anxiety, preventing the emotional overload, making a poor decision, viral spread, and vulnerability to infection.
Written by Ron Parks, MD on . Posted in Anxiety & Panic, Commentary on Health and Well-being, Holistic Views on Mental Health Issues.
A high percentage of panic attack suffers receiving appropriate treatment will be able to prevent and substantially reduce the frequency and severity of panic episodes. Cognitive behavioral type of treatments is often beneficial. This approach can help retrain and recondition an individual to reduce stress and anxiety. Therapy of this type may include:
Evaluation, treatment or elimination of any related problems or contributing factors would be the first consideration. Natural alternatives and therapies can then be considered as:
If any history of severe depression or suicidal thought seek mental health services and a qualified therapist or psychiatrist. If there is a history of trauma or post traumatic stress disorder symptoms, some specific therapies may be helpful: Cognitive Processing Therapy or Prolonged Exposure Therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique) and Somatic Experiencing Therapy. If evaluation or monitored treatment is needed for any of these issues, seek help from a qualified, holistic oriented, health care practitioner. (read more on complementary treatments) (read more on PTSD) (About Integrative Psychiatry, Medicine & Holistic Therapies)
Antidepressants as Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, Prozac, MAO-Inhibitors, and tranquilizers as Buspar, Xanax, or Klonopin are used and sometimes bring more immediate relief. However, their long-term use is controversial with the concern for their possible cause of other medical issues and also because the withdrawal from them can be difficult. They may not have the same lasting effect as the retraining and reconditioning that takes place with the cognitive behavioral type of treatment, appropriate therapy work and the use of natural alternatives.
If not helpful or you recognize the need for skilled or professional help — seek a holistic oriented health care provider with expertise and training in the area of anxiety, panic and mood disorder treatment.
Stop all stimulants like caffeine or stimulant drugs • Notice and let go of fear-based thoughts and worries from the past or concerns for the future • Change your physical space: move to a quiet room or just adjust your posture to a more comfortable position or find a more cozy place to sit or lie down • Turn on some soft, pleasurable music • Notice and shift your attention to comfortable, physical sensations, passing through your awareness • Be aware of your breath: see if you can relax it into an even flow of in and out breaths • Center yourself: think of your whole-self as being enveloped in a loving warm cloud • Imagine a favorite place or moment that reminds you of peacefulness, warmth and total acceptance • allow yourself to accept “what is as is” including yourself in the timeless now moment • Feel completeness and contentment.
Meditate: Focus on the quietness and peacefulness of your breathing • carry yourself into deeper relaxation by releasing your mind from any remaining fears or concerns, or any feeling of mind or physical tension • keep a relaxed focus on any tension or thoughts that come up and let them go • coming back to the peacefulness of the eternal now • after a few moments take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes if closed • give a gentle stretch, and feel the peacefulness and relaxation • gently return to your daily tasks as a renewed spirit.
Take a yoga, chi gong, meditation class, and have a regular routine of exercise to do daily • Go outside and embrace nature • Do something caring or helpful for someone else • Drink calming herbal tea like chamomile • Take a relaxing herbal supplement like Valerian root, passionflower or amino acids such as Taurine, L-Theonine, or GABA • Add magnesium and calcium to your supplement regime • Take a warm bath or sauna • Get or give a massage • Call a supportive or nurturing friend • join or establish a supportive group or network • Go out and do some volunteer work or work in the garden • Spend time with a loving pet • Read a spiritual or inspiring book or poem • Eat some healthy organic vegetables or fruit • Take care of yourself!
If any of above discussion about anxiety or panic seems to apply to you or family member, and you are concerned, reach out for help, and get the support and direction you need. (a resource ADAA) (Consultations)
Article by Ron Parks, MD and edited by Shan Parks September 2015
What is your next step to help yourself or others who seemed troubled with anxiety or panic??
Written by Ron Parks, MD on . Posted in Anxiety & Panic, Commentary on Health and Well-being, Holistic Views on Mental Health Issues.
Peace of mind and personal happiness may elude sufferers who deal with significant anxiety or panic attacks. You may discover that you are one of the many who find these issues replacing life plans, career, social and personal needs with pain and fear. Then you watch a TV commercial, hear a radio advertisement or read ads offering products, pills and all types of remedies for relief. Amidst all this, how do you sensibly choose the best way to get help or relief?
Barbara* a 30-year-old radiology technician, walking to her bus stop after work, was startled by an unexpected, overwhelming feeling of terror and panic. She felt flushed, lightheaded and dizzy. There was a weird sensation of chest constriction and difficulty breathing. Her heart raced and pounded in her chest. Thoughts of dying, losing control, or of going crazy flashed through her mind. With each wave of fear, her heart began to pound even louder. Her hands now felt sweaty, numb and tingling. There was a sense of unreality about things. A friend, noticing her distress, approached, and helped her to a bench near the bus stop. Over the next 5 to 10 minutes the feelings gradually subsided. Feeling some relief, but still shaky, her friend helped her to the nearby hospital emergency room. *(To protect confidentiality, the above is a composite of some clinical experiences and does not represent an actual person or any prior patients).
Unlike the brief and mild anxiety caused by a stressful event, the more severe anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses. These affect approximately 40 million adults, 18% of the population, age 18 years and older — one in four adults in the U.S., at least once during their lifetime. Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. more than $42 billion a year, about one-third of the country’s $148 billion mental health budget. An estimated 75% of people with an anxiety disorder have at least one other accompanying psychiatric condition. See:
These disorders cause overwhelming, even debilitating, anxiety and fear that can become worse if not treated. Less than 30% of individual with these problems seek treatment, and many go undiagnosed by their primary care physicians. Common signs and symptoms of anxiety include muscle tension, trembling, fast heartbeat, fast or troubled breathing, dizziness or impaired concentration, palpitations, sweating, fatigue, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
Panic disorder, a type of severe anxiety, is estimated to affect over two million adult Americans, and is twice as common in women then in men. The lifetime prevalence of panic disorder in the U.S. ranges from 1.5% to 3.5%. Symptoms of a panic attack include feelings of terror that suddenly strikes. An episode can occur as a one-time event only or can repeatedly happen, triggered by something remembered or appear without warning — out of the blue. Panic can cause waking at night; a pounding or racing heart; sweaty, nausea, numbness, tingling, weakness, faint or dizzy feeling. There can also be a sense of unreality; chest pain; fear of impending doom, of going crazy, of losing control; and avoidance of going to certain places. See: Advances in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
As many as 20% of American’s are affected at least once in their lifetime. Considered one of the most distressing conditions that a person can experience, early recognition and proper treatment are important. Many of the symptoms reported by Barbara above are typical of panic attacks and are considered to be major health problem in the U.S..
Panic is different from fear and other types of anxiety – as panic attacks are unexpected. They are often unprovoked, appear suddenly and increase in intensity over a 5 to 10 minute period, peaks and then rapidly goes away over 20-30 minute period. These episodes can be disabling. One explanation for the cause of the panic disorder is the bodies normal alarm system of mental and physical responses to an actual threat, which triggers and activates to a non-actual threat. Panic increases in severity by hyperventilation or focusing on catastrophic thoughts or fears.
Panic disorder – as in most types of anxiety – affects women more than men, often begins in the 20’s and 30’s, and appears to be more common in some families. Sometimes an initial episode might be related to some identified causal or contributing factors:
If the panic attack occurs in a specific setting, as in a store or car, irrational fears or phobias about these situations, may occur. If a person begins to avoid these situations, he (or she) can become increasingly housebound, unable to drive and develop agoraphobia (fear of public place) in addition to the panic attacks. If the person doesn’t receive effective early treatment, major incapacitation may develop.
Panic disorder mimics many other medical conditions, and it is not unusual for the sufferer to be seen by a multitude of other medical or health-related services before receiving appropriate treatment. They will often go through extensive testing at great cost. The reassurance that “nothing is wrong that’s serious,” or “it’s all in your head,” doesn’t help. Medical personnel – not familiar with the potential ravaging effect and disability caused by the illness – often treat panic disorder lightly. Treatment of panic is often done with a mild tranquilizer or just reassurance. Dr. Weissman and Associates on November 2, 1989, New England Journal of Medicine, clearly point out the need for concern. Compared with other psychiatric condition, untreated panic disorder has an increased risk of suicidal ideation. There is an almost three-fold increase in actual suicide attempts, independent of coexistence of major depression, alcohol or drug abuse or agoraphobia.
Recovery starts with the person deciding to seek help, treatment and a more life-affirming path. Hindrances that may need attention early on could include:
Change happens with:
Through an integrative approach, individuals can gain direction, move past the immobilization of misinformation and erroneous beliefs, and find possible solutions for their adverse health conditions.
Click here for more information; Another Resource to read;
For support: Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA
Article by Ron Parks, MD and edited by Shan Parks September 2015
What is your next step to help yourself or others that seemed troubled with anxiety or panic? See next post — “Best Treatment of Panic and Anxiety?”
When I came down with Stage III cancer shortly after and was extremely depressed and anxious about my diagnosis, he prescribed me the right medications to help me. He sent me to a diet/ herbalist/ acupuncturist specializing in cancer. I am a survivor today.
In the fifteen years, we have had the privilege of knowing Dr. Ron Parks, his integrity, knowledge, and humanity have shown in both his professional and personal interactions.
-Lino Stanchich
Mailing Address & Email: 1070-1 Tunnel Road, 10- 274, Asheville, NC 28805
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