The Wisdom from an Editor
The perilous journey through core beliefs, entrapment, realization, and liberation.
Sometimes our life appears to be guided by a developed personal inner story—an inner voice thought narration that runs in the background and captivates our mental life. Jacqui, a very talented editor, shares her personal story of getting ensnared with some mental health issues on her path to realization, restoration, and change.
Her story led me to explore our constant need to be self-aware, mindful of our influencing beliefs, and alert to early signs of mood disturbances. Editing and modifying any self-defeating, inner stories or ideas, is essential to maintain flow and healthy well-being.
Jacqui story
Jacqui’s Mantra “Anything other than first is a fail.” This was my mantra from the time I was very young. Strangely enough, it wasn’t my parents that pushed me...